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How to Make a SEO-Friendly Website – 14 Essential Tips

How to Make a SEO-Friendly Website – 14 Essential Tips

In today’s highly competitive online landscape, optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. With approximately 68% of online experiences starting with a search engine query, it is essential to have your web pages rank highly in search results. This not only drives organic traffic but also enhances your site’s credibility. SEO Automation Tools service from Beehosting will help you with this

In this article, we will discuss the importance of implementing SEO strategies for your website. Furthermore, we will explore 14 effective techniques to ensure optimal compatibility of your site with Google and other search engines.


Why it is important to have an SEO – Friendly Website?

Applying SEO strategies during the initial stages of website development can yield numerous advantageous outcomes such as:

  • Enhanced credibility is one of the benefits of having an SEO-optimized website, as users tend to perceive the top search result as the leading authority within the specific industry or niche.
  • Improved user experience is paramount for search engines like Google, who consider it a crucial ranking factor. Consequently, adopting an SEO-friendly web design enhances overall user satisfaction.
  • Cost reduction is a notable advantage of SEO, as it offers a budget-friendly means to generate leads and boost sales. By minimizing the reliance on paid advertisements and alternative marketing tactics, SEO can lead to long-term financial savings.
  • Enhanced website traffic can be achieved through the implementation of SEO strategies. By ensuring a website is optimized for search engines, it increases the likelihood of securing higher rankings in search engine results. Considering that the top search result generally receives approximately 32% of all clicks, an SEO-friendly website has the capacity to drive significant traffic growth.

By disregarding SEO, you are forfeiting the opportunity to maximize the value of your website as a valuable asset. For this reason, we strongly advise giving priority to search engine optimization as an integral part of your online marketing strategy.


How to Create SEO Friendly Website

Developing an SEO-friendly website demands continuous effort due to frequent algorithm updates, and it may take time to witness improvements in your rankings. In this article, we will explore 14 techniques to assist you in taking the initial strides toward achieving a top position on the first page of search engine results.


1. Use keywords in your content

It is crucial to use SEO-friendly keywords in order to enhance your website’s ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

When creating content, it is important to include appropriate keywords that assist search engines in understanding the purpose of your website. You can obtain these keywords by conducting thorough keyword research.

By searching for your primary keyword on a search engine, you will discover additional related terms within the search results. For instance, if you search for “pet toys,” you will come across other keywords like “dog toys” and “pet supplies.”

How to Make a SEO Friendly Website   14 Essential Tips seo friendly keywords

Furthermore, it is advisable to utilize tools such as Google Trends or Ahrefs to gain a deeper comprehension of trending subjects and the search intent of your target audience.

Google Trends proves valuable in the comparison of two distinct terms and the analysis of their search frequency trends over time.

Ahrefs offers more advanced metrics such as keyword volume and traffic potential, providing valuable insights to assist in selecting target keywords for content creation.

After finding your targeted keywords, it is crucial to employ them in a natural and strategic manner. Carefully consider their context and readability to avoid indiscriminately incorporating keywords into your content. Neglecting this aspect can detrimentally affect user experience and diminish your chances of achieving a high ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).


2. Use Header Tags

Proper utilization of header tags is another effective method for developing an SEO-friendly website. Header tags, which are HTML elements, provide structure and significance to the content of a web page, aiding search engines in comprehending its overall context.

Header tags encompass HTML elements ranging from <h1> to <h6>. It is essential to prioritize and pay attention to the <h1> and <h2> tags as they are frequently employed for the titles and headings of the content. Take the opportunity to include your keywords within these tags, aligning them with the content.

Once you have optimized all the <h1> tags, make an effort to incorporate relevant SEO keywords into other headers as well. Consistently applying this approach whenever you publish content will contribute to enhancing your SEO rankings.

Consequently, search engine crawlers will recognize that your page encompasses content associated with those terms, facilitating precise indexing of your site for relevant information. As a result, your page ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) will be enhanced, allowing you to effectively reach your target audience.


3. Maintain a Well-Organized URL Structure

A clean URL structure is paramount when it comes to crafting an SEO-friendly website. An SEO-friendly URL should be easily readable, comprehensible, and relevant to the content of the respective page.

Search engines rely on URLs to crawl and index websites, making SEO-friendly URLs crucial in aiding their comprehension of the content on each page. Achieve this by incorporating the target keyword into the URL.

As an illustration, consider a URL for a page dedicated to the topic of SEO-friendly website design, which could be structured as follows: www.example/seo-friendly-web-design.

It is advisable to refrain from using lengthy query strings containing numbers, such as /top-35-seo-web-design-tips-in-2023-for-professionals, as they can hinder readability and diminish SEO-friendliness.

By employing SEO-friendly URLs, search engines can crawl your website with greater efficiency and accuracy, ultimately enhancing your site’s visibility in relevant search results.


4. Include Keyword-Rich Anchor Text in Your Links

Anchor texts refer to clickable words that, when selected, redirect users to other pages or sections within a website. Enhancing anchor texts with SEO-friendly keywords enables search engines to gain a deeper comprehension of the content and elevate its ranking.

When crafting an SEO-friendly anchor text, prioritize keywords that are relevant to your website’s content.

Consider selecting words or phrases that are pertinent to the content and effectively describe the destination of the link. For instance, when linking to a page providing SEO tips, opt for anchor text such as “Learn SEO tips” or “SEO strategies.”

Keep in mind that SEO-friendly anchor texts should be closely related to the linked page, offering search engines insights into its content. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid excessive keyword usage in your anchor text, as this may adversely affect the website’s SEO performance.


5. Ensure That the Website is Mobile-Friendly

Creating an SEO-friendly website encompasses more than just content optimization; it entails constructing a website that is compatible and user-friendly across mobile devices.

During 2022, mobile users accounted for approximately 59% of global website traffic. Consequently, search engines like Google regard a website’s mobile-friendliness as a crucial determinant when ranking search results.

That is why, it is imperative that your website loads swiftly on mobile devices. Ensure that your website’s design is responsive, allowing it to adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Thankfully, the majority of pre-made themes available for platforms like WordPress include a mobile version.

Remember to utilize tools such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to assess whether your website meets the current standards for mobile-friendliness.


6. Optimize Images

Enhancing image optimization for SEO purposes is an effective strategy to enhance your website’s visibility in search engines. Implementing a few measures can ensure that your images are SEO-friendly and contribute to improving your overall SEO performance.

When naming your images, ensure that each file name is relevant and appropriate. Incorporate keywords that are related to the image’s content. This practice aids search engines in accurately identifying and understanding the content of the image, potentially resulting in improved visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Before uploading images to your website, it is advisable to reduce their size. Large file sizes can lead to slower page loading times, which can have a detrimental impact on your SEO performance.

Consider compressing your images to decrease their size while preserving their quality. WordPress users can take advantage of tools such as Smush and EWWW Image Optimizer to optimize image sizes for their websites.

Furthermore, remember to include alternative text for each image. Alternative text, also known as alt text, is an HTML attribute that describes the content of the image. It serves as a substitute when an image cannot be properly displayed. Including alt text assists search engines in understanding the context and content of the images, thereby enhancing your overall SEO performance.

Lastly, consider adding concise captions beneath your images. This additional information provides further context and enhances the user experience.


7. Ensure Your Web Pages Load Quickly

Websites that load quickly and offer an excellent user experience are prioritized by search engines. Conversely, a slow-loading website can have detrimental effects on your SEO endeavors, diminish customer satisfaction, and impede search engines from effectively crawling your content.

Fortunately, there are various measures you can implement to optimize your website, such as:

  • Optimize HTTP requests to reduce server response time.
  • Compress images and other media files to decrease their size while preserving quality.
  • Utilize browser caching to store commonly accessed files locally in users’ browsers, thereby avoiding the need to download them with each visit.
  • Employ a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute the hosting load of images, videos, and other static content across numerous servers located worldwide.
  • Upgrade to a more robust web hosting plan that offers increased bandwidth capacity.

Take advantage of tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights to assess whether your website meets the established standards and gain valuable insights on how you can enhance its loading speed.


8. Promote your content on social media

Incorporating social media promotion is among the most effective methods to establish an SEO-friendly website. By promoting your content through social media channels, you can broaden its reach, leading to an increased number of backlinks that search engines will index and factor into your website’s ranking.

Building your brand through social media necessitates a certain level of knowledge and a range of skills. Equally important is understanding which social media platforms can generate valuable traffic based on your niche, enabling you to concentrate your efforts on the appropriate channels.

For instance, while platforms like Pinterest and Instagram might generally generate less external website traffic, they can be highly effective for specific topics such as fashion and food-related content.

Lastly, it is crucial not to overlook the inclusion of referral links and calls to action (CTAs) within your social media profiles and posts. Crafting compelling CTAs with concise messages can effectively drive increased traffic to your website.


9. Use Google Tools

Analyzing the core metrics of your website is another vital component in establishing an SEO-friendly website. Website owners can access this valuable information through a range of analytics tools, such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

There’s no need to worry if you have a limited budget, as many of these tools are available for free.

Google Search Console is a valuable tool that assists website owners in assessing their website’s performance in Google search results. The data obtained from this tool provides insights into how Google perceives your content and the specific queries used by audiences to discover it. Additionally, it offers an overview of the amount of organic traffic generated and provides guidance on enhancing your website’s visibility according to Google’s guidelines.

Moreover, this tool generates comprehensive reports highlighting any errors detected within your website’s content and aids in the identification of various issues that could potentially impact your search engine rankings. These issues encompass concerns such as duplicate content, inaccurate meta tags, or broken links.

How to Make a SEO Friendly Website   14 Essential Tips google search console

Although not directly tied to SEO, Google Analytics provides valuable metrics that can enhance overall website performance. For instance, it offers reports highlighting pages with the highest bounce rates. This enables a thorough evaluation of potential issues and facilitates appropriate measures to resolve them.


10. Organize and clean up the site code

As your website expands, it comprises multiple lines of code that execute various functions. Without proper organization, these lines of code can become disordered and impede each other. To avoid this, we advise periodic clean-up.

Not only does this practice benefit the search engine indexing process, but it also contributes to faster website loading times. These two factors are crucial determinants of your website’s SEO performance.

Website code encompasses various programming languages, with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being the most prevalent. Each of these languages follows a distinct organizational structure.

Fortunately, there are tools available such as Dirty Markup, HTML Cleaner, and JS Beautifier that can assist you throughout the process.


Internal linking involves incorporating hyperlinks within your content that connect to other pages or posts on your website. This practice establishes a network of interconnected content, aiding search engines in understanding the structure and significance of each page. You have the flexibility to include internal links within various elements such as text, images, or buttons.

To ensure the effectiveness of your internal links, it is important to consider the relevance of each page and post you wish to connect. Place the links on anchor texts that align with the context of the target pages, as this facilitates the indexing process.

Strategic internal linking also contributes to lowering bounce rates. Visitors can easily discover relevant content and navigate your site with ease. Additionally, incorporating links to related content within your blog posts encourages visitors to explore and engage further with your website.

However, it is essential to exercise caution and avoid overdoing it. Excessive internal linking can make your content appear cluttered and have a negative impact on user experience.

To enhance the SEO-friendliness of your website and optimize internal linking, you can utilize tools such as Internal Link Juicer, Link Whisper, and Yoast SEO. These tools aid in streamlining the internal linking process and improving the overall effectiveness of your website’s SEO strategy.


12. Optimize the Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are HTML elements that provide contextual information about the content of a webpage. The title tag appears as a clickable headline in search engine results, while the meta description offers a brief summary of what readers can anticipate finding on the page.

How to Make a SEO Friendly Website   14 Essential Tips title tegs and meta descibtions

When crafting a title tag, it is important to incorporate the focus keyword that relates to your content. This helps align your content with the search intent of your target audience, increasing the likelihood of your content appearing in relevant search results.

Maintaining a title tag length of 50-60 characters is advisable. This ensures optimal visibility on search engine results pages and increases the chances of attracting readers to click on your content.

In contrast, a meta description allows for a more extensive content introduction to capture the attention of potential readers. Although there is no strict length limit for meta descriptions, it’s important to note that Google SERPs typically display only 155-160 characters.

Each meta description should be distinct and offer pertinent information tailored to your target audience. Incorporating long-tail keywords can further enhance its search engine friendliness.

Strive to craft a compelling copy for your meta description, emphasizing the value your content provides to potential readers.


13. Enhance your content with images and videos

Incorporating visual elements such as images and videos can enhance the quality of your content, making it more captivating. Additionally, certain visuals like graphs and charts enable you to effectively present data and convey messages.

Moreover, including images and videos in your content can also enhance its search engine optimization (SEO) value. By featuring media files, your content can appear in the image and video section of Google search results, increasing the likelihood of attracting clicks.

Furthermore, your content has the potential to be displayed as a rich snippet, providing additional information and increasing the likelihood of appearing prominently in search results.

It is important to prioritize a fast-loading website by including optimized images and videos. Optimizing these visual elements involves reducing their file size and incorporating appropriate alt text.

For WordPress users, there are plugins available such as Optimole and Imagify that can simplify the optimization process.


14. Regularly update your content

Consistently generating new content is a valuable SEO strategy. However, at times, it can be challenging to devise fresh ideas for content. In such situations, updating older content can improve your website’s SEO.

By alternating between updating existing content and creating new material, you can foster repeat visits from your audience while also attracting new visitors. It’s essential to develop content that aligns with current topics of interest to sustain the engagement of your target audience.

Remember, implementing effective SEO strategies alone is insufficient if you fail to deliver valuable information to your visitors. Ensure that your website content is well-crafted and provides meaningful value to your audience, contributing to the establishment of your brand reputation.



In the realm of Internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role. A website that is optimized for SEO can enhance brand credibility, enhance user experience, and minimize marketing expenses.

A comprehensive SEO strategy encompasses various methods, and we have covered 14 of them. Now, let’s highlight five of the most critical ones:

  • Throughout your website, use keywords strategically.
  • Choose a mobile-friendly design.
  • Enhance the loading speed of your website.
  • Use Free Google Tools.
  • Update your web content regularly.

Implementing effective SEO practices can be time-consuming, but the long-term results will be highly rewarding. This article aims to assist you in creating a website that is search engine-friendly, ultimately leading to increased traffic for your online business.

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